2. Great Hall of Bulls 16,000-14,000 BCE, Lascaux Caves, France - Europe
Materials and Techniques: Combination of drawn, carved, and sculpted images made from stone, charcoal oacher, plant matter, and clay on a stone walls.
Description (Form): Cave art depicting animals, human figures, hand prints, and other unidentifiable markings
Content: A Series of works created over thousands of years and many generations. Images mainly depict animals and what appears to be people possibly hunting them. In other Places there are layering of hand prints. The combination of layered images create a sense of narrative but of what is not explicitly clear.
Context: Location of cave's entrance overlooks the Valley of Vezere which was a major area of migration at the time. Glaciers were receding allowing for more northern migration for animals and people.
Intended Purpose: unknown for sure since no written records have been established or discovered; however common theories include instructions for hunting, religious/spiritual rights of passage, and simply artistic expression.
Innovations and Conventions: Evidence of several innovations exist at this sight. People started using complex tools like paint brushes and scaffolding to create artwork. Also another example of Twisted Perspective throughout the installation of artworks. Start seeing evidence of sculpting with unfired clay works- this is in the norther spain part of the cave system.
Themes: Religious, Cultural Traditions, Prehistoric Art, Animal and Figurative Art